Free TTRPG Resources
Looking for tools to improve your games? We've come up with a few we use regularly--and we're delighted to offer these resources to the community for free! We're constantly experimenting, expanding, and creating. Thank you for helping to make the TTRPG space safer, more welcoming, and more fun for everyone.

Group Lines & Veils List
This free community resource streamlines the process of identifying and compiling Lines & Veils, creating one, easy-to-reference document which preserves the privacy of individual player answers.
Results collection is easy: Once the GM, producer, or safety officer receives all the sheets, they can simply copy/paste answers from each player sheet into the designated spreadsheet tab, and the sheet will do the work to compile all player answers, displaying the strongest line from the entire group. It only takes a few clicks to hide the Player Tabs, and then the Group Rating Sheet can be shared with the entire group.
This sheet is also easy to customize, easy to update, and provides plenty of space for additional or game-specific topics. Now available in Condensed and Robust formats.
It's dangerous to go alone, so we really hope your party will take this. Thank you for keeping your tables and players safe and comfortable on their adventures!

Grab your copy for free!
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Made in collaboration with MimicsNMisfits
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Sheet
Grab your copy of our Google Docs version of Modiphius' Achtung! Cthulhu character sheet. Streamlined for everything you need to keep track of during a campaign, it contains formulas that automatically calculate Attribute Bonuses, Courage, and Armour, as well as Stress, Momentum, and Fortune trackers, spaces to note complication ranges, inventory, and expandable areas for Talents and Spells.
You'll never have to worry about losing or trying to find your character sheet--if you have access to your Google Drive, you have it!
Go to File -> Make a Copy to edit